Monday, December 12, 2011

New digs . . .

Wow, is this intimidating . . . to be writing in a new "house," so to speak, maybe even to a new audience. The Sofa King has been running nearly two years, it served its puprose above and beyond what I ever intended, but I've decided it's finally run its course and needs to be peacefully laid to rest, with respect and dignity. I am infinitely blessed and grateful for the outreach Sofa King was able to accomplish, on behalf of Bob and his journey. What started out as a simple little gesture to keep family and friends in the loop about his condition, blossomed into an infintely reaching vehicle that kept him connected to friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, even total strangers. Along the long journey of his battle, I constantly struggled with keeping up with the blog, but whenever I asked Bob if he wanted me to quit writing, quit putting his stuff so "out there," as I had been, he always said, "No, keep writing. It's good for you, and it's the only thing keeping me connected to my friends and family. . ."

He was so violently ripped from the world as we know it, for a year and a half, and other than me, his parents and the medical community at the U of M, he had little contact with anyone else. The Sofa King blog accomplished things I could never have done on my own . . .it was a therapeutic outlet for me, a place to vent, to share Bob's experience, to sort and process the events of a 19 month nightmare . . . it became a source of immeasurable support, spread like wildfire via word of mouth, a way for loved ones—friends, family, colleagues, even complete and utter strangers—to send us messages of love, strength, prayers . . . for all of that, and endless other reasons, I will carry The Sofa King blog close to my heart, forever.

Please. Give me a little time, to gather my bearings here. Get used to the new digs, to orient myself to the new direction I might take. Moving is always a bit stressful, as we all know, and it might take me longer than expected, to settle in, accept and embrace this step (you should have seen my epic meltdown when I moved to St. Paul. . . .on second thought, I'm glad you didn't). My hope is to update this blog regularly, again to share my continued journey that started long ago. Then again, this widowhood stuff is still pretty fresh for me, the rules continue to change on me, without notice, and there might not be another entry after this. We'll see what happens.

Thank you, each and ever one of you, for being with Bob and me for the year and a half that he fought so valiantly for his life. And, for continuing to follow my journey, without his earthly presence at my side. I miss him with every fiber of my being, but I am also very cognitive that the love Bob and I shared on earth continues even though he's not physically with me. I am blessed with signs of this every day. Love is all around. And love is all we need.

Peace, love and please, take care of one another. It's really that easy.


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